Have you noticed how everyone nowadays is a top of a high horse?
It's the new "making-a-difference"-while-being-an-insufferable-dipshit-about-it trend that everyone is having a collective boner about.
Look at recycling for example, everyone gloats about how they help the ambient by recycling their waste and it makes such a huge impact on everything, as if they're freaking Captain Planet incarnate because instead of just throwing waste they put some of it separated in a different bag to send it off to recycling.
Now, that sounds horribly convenient and easy right? if making such a "big impact" (like those jackasses tell you it does, all while reminding you of how horrible you are for not taking part in their recycling rituals) is so easy, how come we still have any waste troubles at all?
Because it doesn't make jackshit of a difference, that's why.
According to this, and many other sources, household waste is about 11% of the total, and that's for the UK, let's take a look at this quote.
"Year 2002: (This note is dated, but nothing of substance has changed). Waste management in the U.S. is in a state of anarchy with no effective federal plan in place to maximize recycling and minimize waste. America generates more waste every year, growing from a 247 million tons of non-hazardous waste in 1990, to 409 million tons in 2001, according to Biocycle magazine, an industry publication. Although 32% of municipal waste is reported to be recycled, there are two problems with this picture. One is that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated in 1988 that municipal waste was only 2% of all waste generated, and secondly, the total amount of waste generated, recycled, or disposed is not truly known because the EPA has not collected or confirmed that data. Failure to so is in violation of federal requirements. " - Source
But hey, for the sake of argument let's put that amount in between of those two, say it's a 7% of it that is generated by households
Then you have the little thing that only a part of that 7% is truly eligible for recycling, for example, sometimes a good amount of that waste cannot be recycled, like with hazardous wastes which most of the time can not be recycled (or your city lacks a facility that can handle it).
So that amounts to about four to five percent of the total waste, congratulations, your effort is barely bigger than an error margin!
If you assholes were so worried about the ambient, you'd spend all the energy you use having tantrums about mother nature and being on top of your high horse with a dildo shaped mounting chair going after the real producers of waste.
Say, those that produce over twenty (twice that if you consider I doubt mining and others have much recyclable waste) times the amount of waste you do, and also have almost no regulations on their waste because giving a few bills to a few political whores gets them laws that require a ridiculous amount of care for the ambient (read that as ridiculously low, they can blast waste into rivers if they so want to).
But of course, that would require actual thinking!, you cannot afford to have your day interrupted by such things, right? informing yourself about which candidates support ambient friendly legislation takes time and effort, researching a little which laws the congress might be treating that could worsen or better the situation would mean you couldn't spend all your time in an onanist Eco-frenzy, wanking everywhere you go about being an ambient advocate and ejaculating your moral superiority onto other peoples faces.
That reminds me of the morons with their Facebook campaigns (much much worse than the recycling, because at least recycling makes a tiny sliver of a change), where the fuck did you get the idea that changing your profile picture to a cartoon stops child abuse? does a kid beater go on Facebook and upon seeing his friends changed their profile pictures to The Simpsons and Ren&Stimpy thinks "Oh, man I loved Ren&Stimpy, I guess I won't beat the shit out of Timmy today for being such a fucking enraging idiot", my mind boggles trying to understand the train of tought behind this campaign.
I get it, it tries to "raise awareness", raising awareness isn't going to do shit, you saying "I care!" isn't going to do shit, first of all because if you truly cared you would put a real effort behind it, you're all just posing on care-mode because it lets you be morally superior dipshits. It's the new trend of somehow trying to be active in politics while doing the least effort possible, even if your puny effort amounts to absolutely nothing because last I checked, if you want something done you have to work your ass off for it. Nothing worth doing is ever easy, that's why we have idiots all over the place picking easy careers and then whining they get no jobs because they have earned no real skills in the whole four years they spent memorizing a few philosophy catch phrases and getting tanked on Pabst blue ribbon.
Back to the campaign, check that again, that page has almost a hundred thousand fucking likes, there's 100,000 people out there that legitimately think that changing their profile picture to a cartoon makes child abuse suddenly stop.
Everyone wants to ride that moral high horse while being the least inconvenienced by it. It's not possible, step up your game and do something that truly matters.
Ya, or you can just write a rant about it, that makes a much bigger difference.