Thursday, October 25, 2012

More forum trolling.

Trolling is a morbid, inconsiderate and deplorable habit, but it has the advantage of giving one of the most primitive satisfactions of human nature. And like all primitive satisfactions, it's addicting by instinctive obligation.

It's the same type of satisfaction you feel when you eat, have sex, kill a fly or intentionally squish an innocent worm, you know you don't have a reason to squish that worm, I mean, poor thing, but you chose to squish it under your shoes because you effectively can.

Without further ado, the thing itself :

His text : Black

My text : Red

WTF its hallowen for god's sake whats wrong with the ***** crafting ???

How the hell i craft a unique Wep if its going to fail ?? huh ?? what luck do i need ? luck of a god for a game ??

I wasted right now TODAY ONLY 280 MIL TO craft 4 times the same ***** uniqe wep and its getting BREAK LIKE NOTHING and giving me trash 1/4 of the money back wtf with the game system ?

If its based on luck then what  if i dont have one ??? i should quit the game ?? or erase the character ? or maybe buy gold from other site ?? are you supporting this ? or u want to farm all the **** weekend to make my money back and lose them over this ??

FIX YOUR ***** GAME not to mention i wasted over 200 $ for ur stupid store which has nothing but soul and gear and chaos stone randomize stats to make it even worse , yes iam OWL bad luck OWL and yes iam mad  <------ a customer is mad losing his time and money for a game he cant have fun with . and for those who gona say iam whining , yeah try to waste 280 m of farming in 1 day for crafting the same item 4 times and see how you gona feel.

EDIT : and its SAID there is a CHANCE to Fail CRAFTING THIS ITEM , PLEASE CHANGE IT TO THERE IS A CHANCE TO CRAFT THIS ITEM <----------------------- !!!!


You are right 99% , yes iam whining , surely the crafting is lame , for real , yes it is was my fault trying to get the best item for now and yes iam complaining as many others did , by the way did you check the korean server the craft rate or their event ?

so everything is expansive , you are defending the game cause you love it , i wont argue with that but crafting  to fail its lame , by the way if unique crafting is hard then why perfect is the same ? or do they expect people to wear lvl 51 armour all the way to 57 ? go check witch blade weps in examble , 4 days none was in trader office and people already by passed this , why ? cause crafting fails , okay how about they show us the rate of crafting ?

3% ? if i knew i would try to make 1 every 1 month instead of week , and yes its seems this game is not about being op , cause even the most failed noob can become op with luck by crafting the items , anyway you are right , and little wrong but mostly right .

and about the complaing its general disccusion and iam whining about it so other people can share their opionions on this lame crafting , if i knew that i wouldnt level up my metal crafting to 60 which is was a waste for something cant be achived unless u r lucky lol , so basicaly this game is based on luck than hard work and skill right ?

Back to D3 , and thanks for your time , and well noted.
Good luck in the game.


>complains about luck based craft system

>goes to play d3

Someone get a boat before the irony drowns us all. 

> Someone is trying to raise their posts in many threads by saying unnessary things.

either you say something that will get us information or  help by giving advises or ideas or just go and waste your free time somewhere else.
Yeah because your whining is absolutely informative.

Unfortunately for you, I can say whatever I please, even if that is making fun of you going rage mode over your own ineptitude and lack of prior research before attempting things.

By the way, since you want information, these are the bonuses of master items.

Armors : 200 elemental resist/part.

Weapons (1h) : CRIT damage, caps at 15%, 30% for 2h.

So you basically wasted 300m over trying to get a minimal bonus, just use perfect gears.

Also Implying I do it for the post count, oh no, I do it because seeing you and many other apes react to it is awfully amusing, also kind of cute, like a puppy clumsily falling down and tumbling its way onto a basket full of clothes.

ahh child play , never thought i should seek information for the game outside the game , there is a tutorial and guide inside , iam just acting as your mental level by the way , no offense.
Yeah you're just "acting", do you also tell yourself things like :

-I will start dieting on Monday.

-This is the last burrito I eat.

-I'm not eating spicy Indian food again.

Don't fool yourself, you've just got a bad case of "someone is wrong on the Internet", and want the last word desperately, perhaps you should seek to prove your rightfulness on the subject at hand with proper arguments instead of woefully inaccurate and brutishly disguised ad hominem attacks  to my intelligence.

Note : He's starting to get mad and got baited fairly easily.
um who said you were intellegnt ? 

you are good at english and a good typer , informative at the game , but does that make you intelegent ? , i can bring someone who is not smart at all and i can let him memorize the game and use what is right and you will then stack him up with intellgent people yet again he is not .
Excuse me, but I doubt you, a lowly Internet ape who cannot place a coherent argument together, has any word at doubting any of my attributes.

I may not be intelegent enough to speak to Stephen Hawkin about quantum theory and dark energy, but I'm pretty sure I can handle someone whose main argument is "you know stuff but you're not intelligent based on my own biased view on hardly demonstrative factoids that don't make one iota of sense"

Basically, your reply is nothing but a verbose version of "no u no intelegent".

Now if you excuse me, I've given you enough of my time, and as a show of good will, I'll let you have the last word so you can sleep tonight.

Its seems to me you are mad , do you lack anything ?

The topic was made whining and complaining about the craft system of the unique weps , this thread is heard showing the people that iam very dissapointed at such system , its 1 player opinion , and if you can see at the first page i got a good replies as well as respectiful ones , and i treated them back with respect , about the names you said , i dont know them , but iam sure they are famous as being said by you , yet again No one knows all .

and if you cant speak back to them that mean you already gave up on being with their level and if they are considered as intellgent  you made your self not , you say apes , that was not intellegent at all , because iam human and i talk as human and i feel as human and i talk as human yet apes cant , and Darwin theory has been proved wrong , yes you once again made your self not intellegent . (Note: Excuse me, what?)

" a lowly internet ape who cannot place a coherent argument togheter, has any word at doubting any of my attributes"

lowly is a sign of disrepect , and its seems you dont know how to respect , that would make you non-human and you cant live in social life if you dont know how to respect .

Cannot place argument togather <- maybe because i dont know how to speak english very well and i have bad grammers , but if that will allow you to attack people , then you should go and consult a doctor or learn some edication on how to treat others.

Now if you excuse me, I've given you enough of my time, and as a show of good will, I'll let you have the last word so you can sleep tonight <--  You showed me and the other people how you lack confidence , by being way too much confident , and i wish not to be sleeping well by such words from such so called intellgent man without any proper respect nor edication .
and by any chance if you think i wasted your time , you are wrong , it is you who wasted your own time by repling and typing , so much for calling your self right and intelegnt , does |man is wrong in internet "applies to you now ? yes it does.

Unfortunately for you, I can say whatever I please, even if that is making fun of you going rage mode over your own ineptitude and lack of prior research before attempting things. <-- this is how self belief intellgent people with no edication of proper respect act .
if you want to be recongnized by being intellgent , then prove it to others just like the famous people you talked about how they made themselves intellegnt to the people , easy and simple .

you are lacking things , sure if you tought your self how to achive them , you might be intellgent and popluar on the good side , just like them , but for now its seems to me that you are wana be intellegnt troll , and nothing else , and in this post unlike you i know how to respect even someone like you with such attitude and the lacks of edication : respect <-- as for now from what ive seen unless you lack of many other things , i dont know you to speak about your attributes or treats .


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